IDL Group Methodologies

It is recommended that students of IDL dream yoga hold regular groups. We call them “Integral Salons.” The function of these groups is to support people and network. We charge for these groups as a way to cause people to value and contribute, however you may choose to offer groups for free.

The role of leader of this group is to pick some aspect of IDL for discussion, and structure both interviewing and discussion. The role of leader is not to interpret or to impose a structure on the group. The method itself directs group process. Aspects of IDL for future group topics can come from the group itself. These might include some aspect of the Drama Triangle (interpersonal/external, cognitive (thoughts/feelings), or dreams), clarification of some aspect of the interviewing process, focus on concrete ways to apply self-aspect suggestions, or ways to evolve this or that of the six core qualities and processes.

Here are options for interviewing in presentations and in groups.

Demo Interviews. These are done either by the most senior student of the work or by a student as part of their training.  After the normal group input to the subject on their interview, the interview itself is critiqued by the group. As with all interviews, the subject chooses either the dream/dream character to interview or the life issue. In all cases, three life issues are provided.

Diad Interviews. Group members pair up and decide who will interview and who will be interviewed. There is generally time for only one interview in most groups. Allow forty-five minutes for the interview. The group reassembles and highlights of interviews are shared. Beware of the tendency to share the entire interview – there isn’t time. The best way to counteract this is to ask for specific information: “What recommendations came out of the interview? How can you apply them?” “What did you learn about how you are stuck and what you need to do to get unstuck?”  “What surprised you most about the interview?”

Directed Group Interviews. The group members are provided with pencil and paper and the interviewing format is read to them. Everyone works on a dream and one character or the personification of a life issue. In groups where all are familiar with both, the leader can allow participants to choose, but generally you will find yourself going with one or the other.

Discussion of Prior Interviews. Group members bring interviews to the group that they have conducted for themselves or with others and share them with the group as a whole. Discussion ensues. This format is generally preferred for the review of clinical cases in supervisory groups. It is often combined with a demo interview or a supervised interview by a student.

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